Isaiah 30:5 – For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest shall ye be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength; but ye would not.
Hello Fam, It’s December yayyyy!!!. While some people get really excited about December I usually have a mixed feeling. For the most part I’m thankful, but December is also my month to reflection on the year, which means I get to deal with my successes, failures, unmet dreams and desires. If I am being real, then I know that even though I’m thankful, there’s a part of me that feels I’m getting older and I haven’t accomplished as much as I would love too. So i feel thankful but somewhat dissatisfied.
If like me you also deal with mixed feeling in December, then this post is for you. Thankfulness is important and I believe despite failures or unmet expectation you should consciously be thankful. Count your blessings and stay thankful. However, do not ignore your failures or unmet expectations. One thing I’m learning as I break free from being religious is that not dealing with stuff does not make God fix it. Things don’t just get better with time, it is the decisions and actions that we make in time that changes things. My question to you then is, what would you do in the time you’re given? What choices will you make? I want to encourage you to make this one choice – Be still (Get quiet before God)
“Things don’t just get better with time, it is the decisions and actions that we make in time that changes things”
The bible says in quietness and confidence is your strength…What has strength got to do with this, you may ask. One thing that happens with having challenges, unmet expectations or dissatisfaction is that it robs you of strength to press through to the place of victory. For some of us, we would just want to be in bed, sleep, eat and just not deal. Most times you might notice that your mind is bombarded with thoughts like – you can’t do that, you’ve wasted too much time, you’re too old, or thoughts that compare you to others. You find that if you give into these thoughts or actions, you become discouraged. If you accept those words you’ll never do anything about changing your life.
It takes strength to decide you press through until the victory is won, it takes strength to keep believing for the miracle, it takes strength to stay consistent, trusting God for the desired output, it takes strength to make the changes required to produce your desired result, it takes strength to overcome the negative thoughts and that strength comes from being still in the presence of God.
I asked myself, how does being quiet before God give strength?And the Holy spirit said to me, it is the words you hear. Words can strengthen or weaken you. Have you ever had an experience where you were unsure about doing something, you called someone and they encouraged to the point you went ahead and did what you were scared off? Their words fed strength to you. That is the same thing that happens when we consciously withdraw and listen to God, just this time it happens on a higher level. His words impact strength. There is something about hearing God’s voice that shatters negative thoughts, and empowers you. God doesn’t just give strength, he gives you the direction to run in……
When God strengthens, we begin to see different results. Elijah was strengthened and He out-ran a horse on human feet, David said in Psalm “For by You I can run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall”. Do you need to leap over that wall? Then sit still until He speaks. For someone reading this, God is saying, we’ve got more than twenty days left and you can still get to victory if you will withdraw yourself and sit still before me. If you do, you will accomplish more in these twenty days that you did all year. For someone else, God is saying what I have for you in 2019 is exceedingly abundantly above what you can imagine, but you cannot get there in your strength, if you will sit and let me strengthen you, 2019 will be your best year ever.
So do not get discouraged as the year ends. Don’t look at what hasn’t happened and feel sad. Refuse to give in to the negative thoughts. If the devil presents a list of what didn’t happen this year to you in order to discourage you, I dare you to take that list toGod in quietness and hear what He says.
Dissatisfaction tells me there’s more, rather than be discouraged let it drive you into quietness before God. God satisfies!
Be still and know that HE IS GOD.
Love Always
Thanks for sharing!
I also have the same feeling in December. Thanks for the word today 💕❤️