You’ve got one- Identify your land

Hello there, trust your day has been great. Mine as been very productive. Today we would continue the conversation we began last week. If you haven’t read the post for last week, go check it out before you continue reading.

Last week we did mention that God has given everyone of us a land and He wants us to take possession of it. A land could mean different things to different people. Regardless of what a land signifies in your life, a land must posses certain characteristics. To those who haven’t identified their lands, my prayer is that these characteristic would help you clearly see what God has given you in this year

Identifying your land

A. Exceedingly Good:

And they spake unto all the company of the children of Israel, saying, The land, which we passed through to search it, is an exceeding good land. Numbers 14:7

Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. Genesis 17:5

I grew in a christian culture that attributed good and evil to God. It was not uncommon to hear things like God brought that sickness on her to humble her or test her faith. It made praying a bit challenging because when something bad happens you’re not sure if it is God or the devil. Growing up with this foundation made it a bit difficult to absolutely trust God. Even though my religious mind knew God to be good, i subconsciously questioned His goodness.

Over the years i have come to see the flaws in my belief system. I could be wrong, and pls correct me if you think i am, but I have never come across any story in the bible where God showed up to meet a need or gave something to someone that was short of great. I noticed all through that anytime God shows up, He exceeds expectations. He does exceedingly abundantly above what was asked. Remember the story of Abraham? Abraham asked God for a son and God said i’ll give you a nation. Wow ! a nation. The bible records that the land God had given to the Israelites was exceedingly good.

I just want to say this, whatever God gives is good, in-fact it’s not just good, it’s exceedingly good. The land God has for you is exceedingly good. The path to taking possession of the land might include some suffering, challenges and all, but i’m saying that what God gives is great and totally worth whatever price is required to get it.

If you’re going through a difficult season i just want you to know that God is working all things for your good. Believing the truth that God is good and His plans for you are good gives you strength to go through difficulty. The bible says of Jesus … looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross Heb 12:2 Don’t buy into the lies of the devil, don’t give room to reasonings and thoughts that question the goodness of God. God has a good land for you, a place of Joy, a land that over flows with honey. Set your eyes on it like Jesus did, endure the process and take possession of your land.

B. It would require Faith:

And if the Lord is pleased with us, he will bring us safely into that land and give it to us. It is a rich land flowing with milk and honey. Numbers 14:8

The second way to identify the land God has given is faith, when you see the land you would also see that it is humanly impossible to take possession of the land. If you are looking at a land that you can in your human strength, it is definitely not given to you by God. Every land from God would require faith in Him to take possession.

This to me shows the heart of a Father, who desires to walk side by side with Hs children. He doesn’t want us going out there, conquering lands by ourselves, and so He has designed it in a way that each land provides us an opportunity to partner with Him, work with Him and know Him in ways we would never have.

C. The Land serves a purpose:

Every gift from God serves a purpose. God brought the Israelites out of Egypt so they would serve Him. You must seek to know the purpose of His gift. Every land serves a purpose

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