Hello fam, how have you been? Trust your week has started up great and I hope you took some time out to spy out your land and identify what you’re up against this year. Now that you know what giants you’re up against, it time to get a strategy on how to overcome and possess your land.
I wish i could give you a seven step bullet points on how to strategize or how to get the right strategy but i’ve got none. Based on scriptures, every one that did exploits and took possession of their lands got their strategies from God. Even though we know that prayer is a two way conversation, in practice it is sometimes a one way conversation for most of us. We spend time thanking, worshiping, praising, petitioning, asking and interceding but very little time asking questions and waiting for answers. In order to get God’s direction we need to learn to not just talk to Him in prayer but also listen and ask questions.
If you read the journey of the Israelites into the promise land, you will notice that God gave them different battles strategies for different cities. In the same way, God wants to you different strategies for defeating every giant on your land. So if you need a strategy, then you have to go to God and ask Him how you can conquer your giants. After you ask, you must wait patiently for His response.
As christians, we sometimes make the same mistake Abraham made when God promised him a child. Sarah in her human understanding thought, well if God would give us a child it must be through my maid servant because i cannot bear children. And so she and Abraham tried to fulfil God’s word with their own idea. Yes God has given you a land, but He also needs to show you how to take over the land.
If under the old covenant God could direct the children of Israel with specific instructions like match around the city seven times how much more under the new covenant when we have the Holy Spirit. God is still in the business of showing you exactly what to do in your family, business, home, career, ministry or any aspect of life. He still gives clear instructions like He did under the old covenant. Ask and you will receive. Ask Him today. Ask Him what steps you need to take in order to posses your land, patiently wait and hear His voice (This may come to you as a thought, a suggestion from someone, a book , blog article etc) . And then like Mary said – Whatever He tells you to do , do it (John 2:5)
Note: Most times the instructions of God does not make logical sense to our human mind, remember reasoning and logic can be a giant that would stop you from obeying God’s word. Don’t be scared of making a mistake, when you sense God leading you in a particular direction, trust Him and move, If you step out in faith and you’re in the wrong direction God will redirect your steps.
Stay in His Presence > Get His strategy > Implement
Love Always