Seedtime and Harvest

Genesis 8:22 – While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease

There are two seasons we are assured would always remain – seed time and harvest time. What is seed time to a Christian? How do you plant? Words are seed, God’s words are seeds and our words are seeds too. When we speak, we plant words into our life and after a while we reap the effects of our words. If we speak and plant God’s words, overtime the harvest season comes and we reap the benefits. When we speak negative words, we reap negative events.

One of the reason I’m talking about seed time is that at the beginning of each year most of us have a word or a declaration for the year. As great as the word is, it is a seed that must be planted in your heart via the declarations of your mouth in order for you to reap its reward. What do you desire in this year? What word has God given you in this year? Are you consciously planting those words?  Are you speaking life or death? If you don’t plant words during seedtime, you’ll have no fruits during the harvest time. If you let the wrong seed grow, you’ll reap a harvest you do not desire. Be intentional about life, plant today what you’ll like to reap at the end of the year.

Today in church the sermon was about the condition of our hearts. We were taught on the different kinds of heart that would repel God. While thinking about words and consciously, the Holy Spirit reminded me that it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth would speak. Guess what, if you have an unbelieving heart, you will speak fear and doubt. If you have an arrogant heart, you will speak with so much pride and arrogance. If you have a bitter heart, you’ll speak in bitterness.

Your heart feeds your words and your words determine your life. What is the state of your heart? It is important to examine your heart and know what state it is in. You can start up speaking the right words but if your heart is not in the right place, when pressure is applied via difficult circumstances, what’s in your heart will be exposed. The wrong words spoken during the times of pressure can cancel out all the right words you’ve been speaking. Check your heart and be sure it is right.

Hurt, betrayal, disappointments are some factors can cause pain in our heart and if not handled properly can lead to bitterness or unbelief. No matter what has happened, your heart can be healed. God heals the broken hearted. Refuse to continue in that state, ask God to heal any brokenness and take away any hardness of heart. When your heart is healed and full of God’s love, you would speak life and you would experience life! 

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