For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. (Heb. 4: 10-11)

There’s a term called rest in our Christian experience, according to Hebrews 4, it is a place of confident & absolute trust in God that causes one to cease from their own works. Rest is a state of belief, of total surrender where one is no longer trying to get out of a situation by one’s own effort.

Rest has not been a very familiar concept to me as a Christian. I’ve heard about it a couple times over the year but it has never been something I pursed or desired to have. Recently though God has been challenging me to REST. This led me to do a little study on what it means to rest and how do I enter into this rest.

As believers, we have been taught to pray about everything which is consistent with the word. Therefore, when we find ourselves in unpleasant situations, our response is prayer. We pray, we fast, we engage in many other spiritual activities in an attempt to change that situation. But if we are being sincere, sometimes don’t get the desired results despite all the efforts. There are times where we are at a loss of what to do because we feel we’ve done everything we know to do and yet there seems to be no victory yet.

I’ve been there many times. Lord I’ve prayed, fasted, praised, sowed, done all I know to do. Why haven’t I seen a breakthrough? Then He says, stop all that and enter into REST. Could this be why our efforts and spiritual activities seem not to be as effective? I believe so. A look at Jehoshaphat and David in the bible shows that they responded by going to God in prayer as we do, but they did something we might be missing.

King Jehoshaphat: 2 Chronicles 20:3- And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.

Jehoshaphat goes to God to inquire when faced with a mighty army. He goes to find out, Lord what should I do? How should we respond to this? He gets God’s word and instruction before he steps out in response to the enemy.

David: 1st Sam. 30:8 And David enquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.

David goes to seek God’s counsel before responding to his situation. He acts on God’s word with a full assurance of what the outcome of his actions would be. No uncertainty, no guess work.

I believe our response in the face of any situation should be first to seek God’s counsel/will/word concerning that situation. Sometimes His will is known but we go to get a specific word that assures us of His victory. This is the prayer/labour that brings us into rest.

When we go to God to enquire concerning a situation, we do it in full awareness of the victory He has given us in Christ. We go to Him asking that He opens our eyes to see the victory He has given in that situation. We stay in this place of prayer until we receive from Him. In response to the prayer of enquiry, God gives us:

A. His Word: – His word reveals His will in that situation. This word is what gives us the assurance of victory, it is what gives us the peace that surpasses all understanding. This word brings us into a place of rest. This word is specific to our situation, it clears doubts, it strengthens conviction, clearly defines the outcome of the situation and also shows God’s purpose in all of it.

B. His Instruction: The bible says faith without works is dead. Therefore, we know that action has to be taken in line with God’s word in order to see the word manifest. We do not determine what that action is, that’s why this is a place of rest. At rest, you cease from your own works. At rest, it is the Holy Spirit that instructs you on what to do. In this place, God begins to give you direction on the steps to take in order for that word He has spoken to be made manifest.

The strategy to take over the land of Canaan was different from the strategy to takeover Jericho. That’s why in the place of rest, you cease from your works. You wait till you’re instructed before you act.

Actions such a prayer, fasting, praise etc. done from place of rest is done in response to the Word and not in fear or in response to a difficult situation. There’s confidence in your actions, worry and anxiety is eliminated, doubt is silenced, there’s certainty. Actions taken from a place of rest produces God’s desired outcome. Actions from the place of rest produces results.

Next time you have a care or worry or a giant to conquer, rather than rush into the place of praying in an attempt to change the situation, take some time to ask God for His word, take sometimes to inquire at His feet and receive His counsel. Once you receive His word, meditate on it until you enter into REST, then arise and enforce the victory while you remain at REST – a posture of absolute trust and confidence in God where the outward circumstance no longer troubles your heart.

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Episode 21