I had a dream one Sunday morning, I remembered it so vividly and knew this was one dream I’ll need an interpretation for. Church was to begin in a few hours so I turned my attention to getting ready for service.  After I got back, I was busy working on some task when I remembered the dream. Should I call my pastor? should I call a friend that operates in the prophetic? No, you should learn to stop depending on people and start leaning on the Holy Spirit I said to myself. I knew what it meant to ask Him. I knew it meant spending time alone, I knew He would ask questions, talking with Him always challenged me and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that deep process. But I needed answers. What do I do?

I considered the option of calling someone because it was easier. I would get the help I needed, it wouldn’t take much time to get the answer, I would not have to answer much questions and I get to pray with someone. After much deliberation, I decided to ask the Holy Spirit. I got my writing materials, turned off all distractions and sat still to listen.

He came, He said, write down everything you can remember about the dream. I did. What questions do you have – I stated them. He began asking me questions, questions that made me think. He would say things like based on this bible verse or based on what you learnt last week about dreams, what do you think this means?  I had to engage my mind, I pondered on His questions and gave answers. He continued dissecting, questioning and guiding me to the interpretation of my dream based on scriptures and previous lessons. After about two hours I had the interpretation I needed.

As I meditated on this process I realized a couple things –

  1. The Holy Spirit is really a guide, He doesn’t just throw answers to you, no, He guides you into the place of your answer. You do the walking while He does the guiding. You will engage the process of seeking while He guides you to where you find the answer. That’s why the bible says He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance what you have been told. When you teach, you don’t give the answers to the student, you guide them on how to find the answers for themselves. This is what He does.
  • There is no spiritual growth without mental transformation – Two hours with the Holy Spirit and my thinking pattern was challenged. Two hours with Him and I saw certain things that had to go in order for me to grow. He did not tell me to change what I was doing, He told me to change what I believed and what I was thinking – because my actions are products of my thoughts. Now I see that one who is mentally lazy cannot grow spiritually. Now I see that real growth begins first in the place of stillness and quietness, in the place of meditation & listening prayer

In summary, I learnt this -Being Spiritual does not exclude your mind – It takes you from being carnally minded to being spiritually minded.

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