It’s Harvest time – Do not give up

 So, let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (KJV)

A couple of days ago, I laid in bed, feeling so discouraged because I had not seen the manifestation of God’s word in my life yet.  I have all these great promises and prophetic words for this year, I thought by now I should have seen the fulfillment of some if not all. Lord, why haven’t I seen the manifestation of these promises yet? I asked. I waited patiently for His response and He brought to remembrance the lessons He taught me earlier this year from the movie Knives Out. (you can read it here)

He said, beware of the last tactic. You’ve sown, you’ve cultivated but you would lose the harvest if you give up now. If the devil cannot steal your harvest, he will do all in his power to get you to give up on it. How does he do that? By getting you discouraged. When we dwell in the place of discouragement, it feeds unbelief causing us to give up on our faith in what God has promised. Our text for today the bible tells us that our reaping a harvest is dependent on not giving up. If you give up, you’ll lose your harvest.

Today I just came to encourage someone out there, I came to remind you that it is harvest time, do not give in to discouragement, do not faint. It’s manifestation time, it’s harvest time.

It takes strength to finish, it takes strength to wait till the harvest comes, especially when you’ve been waiting a while. In this season take some time out to draw strength. Draw strength by meditating on the promises, on the word. Draw strength in the place of prayer.  The bible says His strength is made perfect in our weakness. It’s time to engage this word. When you go to pray, be honest about your weakness and ask God for the exchange, Lord let your strength be made perfect in me. Help me, strengthen me.

It’s harvest time. Do not lose your harvest, be strengthened. Do not give up

Love Always


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