But He answered and said, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4 KJV
I believe there is a birthing of a new season for so many. However, we need to understand how to engage the word in this season so we do not abort the process. We need to know how to position ourselves to partner with God and birth that which He desires in our lives.
Speaking God’s word and acting on His word are two keys that must be engaged in order to birth our new season. These are also the two key areas the enemy would attack in an attempt to abort your season. It is therefore important that you understand his tactics so you can successfully overcome.
- Speaking the word
One of the ways we live by the Word is by allowing the Word to influence our speech. In the beginning, when God decided to create the world, nothing came into existence until God spoke. As a believer, you are created in the image and likeness of our Father, this means nothing happens until you speak. When God sends you light, He expects you to partner with Him and speak consistently with the light He has given so the light can be made manifest on the earth.
“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.” Revelation 22:17
You are His bride and you must speak in line with what the Spirit is saying to make manifest what God desires.
The enemy knowing this truth would attempt to get you to abort this process. One way he does it is via attacks. He sends so many attacks your way; his goal is to get you to take your eyes off the light God has given and focus on what he is doing. Don’t get me wrong, I understand there are times when we must contend, bind, pull down, and all that. But you must never lose focus, you must keep the word on your lips.
If you get so focused on the activities of darkness and you don’t spend time declaring and speaking God’s word, you will never see the manifestation of the new season. It will never happen on earth because you create with your words. If you don’t declare it, you won’t see it.
Resisting the enemy might be part of the process, but never the focus. Resisting the devil is vital, it keeps the devil out of the way but does not automatically bring you into a new season. You must with your words call forth that which God has given to you. Your words are tools of creation, you must be intentional about using them to create. Let the redeemed of the Lord Say So! Speak and create with God.
- Act on the Word:
In our text today Jesus says, we do not live by bread alone, but by the word. Bread can be seen as the result or physical manifestation of God’s word. It is the outward proof, the miracles. 2 Corinthians 9:10 shows us that God’s word can come to us as seed or as bread. When the word comes as seed, it takes time before we see the results. When it comes as bread, you see the outward proof of it instantly.
As mentioned earlier, walking in obedience to God’s word is one vital key to stepping into your new season. The story of Joseph in the bible shows one way the enemy attempts to keep us from acting consistent with the word.
In Genesis 37 the bible tells us of the story of Joseph. He had two dreams and based on the interpretation of these dreams Joseph was going to rule over his brothers. Fast forward to Genesis 40, Joseph is in prison in Egypt, an experience contrary to the dreams he had. In prison, he meets two of Pharaoh’s officers, they both had dreams and needed an interpretation.
At this moment Joseph was faced with a decision; should I continue to trust the grace of God in my life to interpret dreams or should I wait till I see the fulfillment of my dreams so I can have some proof before helping others?
If Joseph was looking just at his life, he could have doubted God’s grace on his life to interpret dreams, he could have decided not to help. But Joseph knew that the interpretation of dreams comes from God and regardless of his personal experience, he had been anointed to access that realm.
Joseph decided to respond based on the truth of God’s word. He functions under the gift God had given him to interpret dreams and ministers to Pharaoh’s officers even though he had not yet seen the fulfillment of his dreams.
What would have become of Joseph if he doubted God’s ability to interpret dreams through him because his life had not yet captured results to show? It was Joseph’s obedience to living by the word that ushered him into his new season.
There may be seasons where you don’t see the results of your obedience or have the evidence of God’s Word in certain areas of your life. The enemy tends to use those areas to attack, trying to get you to quit obeying the word. He wants you to keep looking on the outside for signs that prove what God says is true, and when you don’t see anything, he fills your heart with doubt and pressures you to quit acting on the word
The devil is quick to remind you that you don’t have bread; He goes to someone who has been faithful in giving but has not yet experienced abundance in their finances. He says, all these years you’ve been giving and you barely have enough to get by, don’t you think it’s time to stop giving. To another he says, stop interceding for others, you have unanswered prayers in your personal life. But Jesus says, we don’t leave by bread alone, we live by the word. We give because the word says to give, we pray for others because the Word says so, we live by the word!
If you’re in a season where you are yet to see certain results in your life, don’t stop doing what God has called you to do because of that. Continue to shine in response to the light God has given you, the results would come and your life will show forth God’s glory.
Keep declaring God’s word. The promises He made to you are still true, keep speaking consistently with that light. Keep walking in obedience to His word. God is bringing you into a new season. Don’t quit, don’t’ abort the process. You’re almost there!
Thank you for the word. Still blessing me years after
Thank God for His Word!. It is life indeed.
Well said sis😘
Thank you. praise God for insight.
That was a word for me !!! Thank you Obebi. 🙏
Praise God Abby! so glad to hear that