Turn mourning into dancing, Turn weeping into Joy.

Light is what differentiates the night from the morning. Joy comes in the morning because light breaks forth in the morning. Light always precedes joy. Light turns the night into the morning. Light, not time, turns weeping into joy. Contend for light (God’s perspective, an understanding of a situation based on God’s word) and step into your morning, your season of Joy!

Light is what differentiates the night from the morning. Joy comes in the morning because light breaks forth in the morning. Light always precedes joy. Light turns the night into the morning. Light, not time, turns weeping into joy. Contend for light (God’s perspective, an understanding of a situation based on God’s word) and step into your morning, your season of Joy!

Are you crying over an empty tomb? 

Dear woman, why are you crying?” the angels asked her. “Because they have taken away my Lord,” she replied, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” John 20:13

When Mary got to the tomb of Jesus and found it empty her response was not joy. She cried. Not only did they crucified Him, but now it looked like His body was missing. Mary was weeping because the tomb was empty.

Mary processed the situation based on her understanding and previous experience. If His body was not here the only logical answer was that someone took it away. So, she wept as she continued her search for His body. 

Then Mary meet Jesus (The Light) and she realized that her perspective was wrong. His body was not taken away, He has risen. Oh, my goodness she would have thought, why should I cry, my Teacher has risen. He’s not dead. The empty tomb that once triggered tears now became a symbol of joy because light had come and her perspective was changed. 

As a pondered on this light God had given, I knew God does not just send a word to increase the volume of my revelation or knowledge of Him. I knew there was an adjustment He wanted me to make and I was not ready. Anyway, I summoned courage and asked the question –Am I weeping over an empty tomb? The Answer came speedily, yes you are. You are mourning over an empty tomb like Mary because of your perspective.  

The Holy Spirit said to me, the very situation you are weeping over is actually working for your good, you should rejoice. As He reminded me of His thoughts and plans for me, as He opened my eyes to His expected end, He challenged my perspective. It took a while but I decided to align my perspective to His and rejoice over what looked like an empty grave.  

Today we know that the empty grave Mary once cried over is a symbol of Christ’s victory over death, a symbol of triumph. It was the pathway that brought our salvation. Today we see the full picture but remember it was not so for those who experienced that at that moment. 

Imagine what Mary felt as she watched her son on the cross, I thought the angel said He would save His people. Imagine the disappointment and sadness of the disciples, the one they left all to follow now hung on a cross dead. Even though Jesus had told them all these would happen, they could not seem to make sense of it. They could not see how His death would bring salvation. What looked like the end in the natural was actually a new beginning from God’s perspective.

I would like to ask you the same question, are you mourning over an empty tomb? Are you weeping over a situation you should rejoice over? Could it be you are seeing just from your perceptive? Ask God for His perspective today, ask Him for light. That empty tomb you’re crying over may be the beginning of something new. 

Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

Light is what differentiates the night from the morning. Joy comes in the morning because light breaks forth in the morning. Light always precedes joy. Light turns the night into the morning. Light, not time, turns weeping into joy. Contend for light (God’s perspective, an understanding of a situation based on God’s word) and step into your morning, your season of Joy! 

Love always 


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