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A God of Times & Seasons

So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, and from David, until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations. Matthew 1:17

I was one of those who would skip past genealogies when reading the bible. But as I read through Matthew chapter 1, I could not go past this verse. Fourteen generations, then another fourteen, and yet another, It was a clear display of a God of timing and a God of patterns. God indeed deals with us in seasons and each season has a pattern to it. A pattern that helps us discern what He is doing so we can align and respond correctly. 

It took a while for me to start understanding my seasons and paying attention to the patterns in my life. I’ve noticed that the end of a season usually falls at a certain time of the year and new seasons tend to begin at certain times of the year. I’ve also noticed certain patterns in events and circumstances that precede the end or the beginning of a season. Understanding God’s patterns in my life has changed the trajectory of my Christian experience and I’d like to share some benefits of knowing your seasons and understanding patterns in your life. 


Responding Correctly: When you understand God’s pattern of ending seasons or bringing you into new ones, it positions you to respond better. It helps you align with what God is doing rather than pray against it or fight it. I have also learned that God gives us a season of response, in that period you have the opportunity to respond in obedience and faith to usher in the new or ignore it and recycle the old season. It is important to understand the patterns that help you discern what season you are in so you can respond correctly. You don’t have all the time, you need to know how to respond before the window of opportunity closes.

    Some might be asking, how do I know? Look back at your life and see when you stepped into new seasons. When did you get your first job? Your first car? When did you get the answer to the prayer? Look into your life to see when doors opened and closed and it would help you begin to see and understand the patterns in your life. 

    Offence: Sometimes it is easy to get offended at people or even at God when we do not understand what is going on. I have observed a very high level of provocation from people when God is about to do something great in my life. This understanding has enabled me to ignore the people used to bring the provocation because they are just channels the enemy is using to get me to abort a breakthrough. And the season of provocation also indicates a breakthrough is close. 

    Spiritual Warfare: The enemy never strikes without intent. When he’s in your corner it indicates something is going on. To war effectively it is important to know what he’s after. When you understand the patterns in your life and discern your seasons correctly, you can know what he’s after and war correctly. In one season he might be there to discourage you from taking a step of obedience, in another he might be there to steal a blessing that has been birthed. Sometimes the warfare might be to distract you from building. It is important to discern so you can war effectively. 

    You won’t miss your new seasons– When you pay attention to the patterns and seasons in your life, you have a higher chance of stepping into your new season. Missing a season can be one of the most painful experiences in life. It is always better to go through the pain and pay the price to stay aligned. You never know if or when that season will open up again, we mustn’t miss seasons in life. 

      There is a pattern in your life, there’s a rhythm to the events in your life. Nothing just happens. God is in every detail, it is very critical to understand this. Some seasons open up every 5 years, others might be every decade. God leaves us with patterns to help us discern seasons and stay aligned. Take some time to reflect and understand his patterns in your life. 

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