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The God of your Salvation 

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

God is light and one way we get to experience Him as light is through His word. The Bible says the entrance of your word gives light, this means one way God gives us light is by sending us His word. I have experienced God as my light. Time and time again, I have prayed and gone to His word seeking direction, a solution, or His thoughts and I have seen God open up the scripture in such a way that it applied to my situation personally. That is what I mean by light. When God’s word becomes light, it means the word illuminates a specific situation, maybe to give direction, to reveal the outcomes of a situation, to foretell the future, etc. Here are a few examples of God’s light in scripture:

Lazarus: When Jesus received the message that Lazarus was sick, Jesus did not panic because He had light. He knew exactly what the Father intended the outcome to be. Here was his response:

 “ When Jesus heard that, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.” John 11:4. 

David: In 1 Samuel 30, David and his men returned to Ziklag to find out that their wives and children had been taken captive and the city was burned down. David went to inquire of the Lord, and he received light for that situation  – “The Lord answered him, Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” 1 Samuel 30:8. Getting a clear direction from God regarding the situation as David did is what I mean by receiving light. 

Mary: When Mary encountered Angel Gabriel in Luke 1, Mary received light regarding her future. The angel told her what God had planned for her, the angel told Mary she had been favored by God and chosen to birth the Messiah. That revelation of God’s plan for her life is called light. 

When light comes, the future is revealed, solutions are shown, God’s intent is revealed, direction is given, understanding comes, etc. Encountering the Lord as light is powerful because it gives you clarity, boldness, and confidence. This light dispels a measure of fear because regardless of the situation, light tells you how it will end. So you can rejoice even when it makes no sense because you know how the story ends. Light is powerful! 

In our text, David further teaches us that God is not just light, He does not just tell you of the great things to come, He is salvation. He brings to pass that which He has spoken. Salvation is the power of God released to bring about the performance of His word. This means after God shows you what is to come (light) He releases His power to bring into manifestation what He has revealed. God does not just speak, God brings His word to life. 

Lazarus: Jesus did not just reveal that the sickness was not unto death, God’s power was released to back that word and cause that power brought Lazarus back to life. God showed up as light & Salvation.

David: God did not just tell David to go and recover all, He empowered Him. He went with Him and gave Him the victory. David testifies, “By thee, I have run through a troop, and by thee, I have leaped over a wall”. David knew who empowered him to experience victory. 

Mary: Mary’s promise was so great she had to ask “How shall these things be?” And the angel said, paraphrasing  “ You don’t have to worry about bringing this word to pass yourself because you cannot.  The holy ghost will come upon you. God’s power will be released to bring about the performance of that which I have told you”. 

Today I came with a word of encouragement to someone. Maybe like Mary, you have received some mind-blowing promises from God regarding specific areas of your life and are wondering “How shall this promise come to pass?”. Maybe someone is saying Lord when? Lord how? I have come to remind you that the one who revealed your glorious future is rising as your salvation to bring about the performance of that word. God is both light and Salvation. If He has shown you light, If He has given you a promise, get ready to see His power bring that word to pass. God’s power follows His word. Light precedes power. You have known His light, It is time to see His salvation. That which your ears have heard, that which your eyes have seen, it is time for your hands to handle. The Holy Ghost, the power of God at work in you, will bring His word to pass.

On July 1st, the word for the month in my church was released, and it is themed “God’s speed’. As I came across it while preparing for this blog post, I heard the Spirit say this in my heart. I am showing up as the God of your salvation to perform all I have said to you, and the performance of my word will happen with speed. To everyone who has received light, the second half of this year will be marked by speedy manifestation and fulfillment of God’s promises. Just like it was with Paul and Silas in prison, God says ” I will show up and every door will be opened immediately”. Your answers will not come gradually, they will show up with speed. All doors will be open, every word fulfilled for it is time for you to know me as the God of your salvation. 

Two things to remember:  First, every time you attempt to cause the word of God to be made manifest by your effort and strategies, you hinder God’s power from flowing. To see God as salvation, you must choose to rest and let Him do what only Him can do. Secondly, every blessing from God serves a purpose, once you receive the fulfillment of your promise, be sure to use all of it to serve His purpose and advance His kingdom. 

I’ll leave you with this word for the second half of the year. 

“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree.“Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel (insert your name) Amos 9:11-13 MSG

Get out of the way and watch God perfect what He has begun in your life. You have known Him as your light, stand still and watch Him show up as your salvation, for with intense speed He will perform every word and fulfill every promise. 

Love always


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