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When your cup looks empty

Lord I am anointed, why is my cup empty? I asked as I paced around the room. A few months before this day I had received a word from God saying I was about to be anointed. True to God’s word, events played out and I did get anointed. I was excited and expectant.  I wanted to see this overflow in my finances, amongst many other areas. Months passed and behold nothing had changed. Dissatisfied with my empty cup, I went to God seeking to know what I was missing. 

In seeking, the Holy Spirit dropped in my heart the stories of those who went from having very little to the place of overflow. Hidden in these stories was my missing link. While I write in relation to finances, I think this can be applied to every aspect of life where an overflow is desired. I did learn that one can be anointed and yet have an empty cup. To go from being anointed to experiencing overflow, there are a few principles that must be engaged. If you have been anointed and have not yet seen the overflow in the measure that you desire, this is for you. 

Elijah and the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:7-16)– Elijah is anointed, yet Elijah gets to a point where the brook is dried up and he has no more provision for food. His cup is empty. Then God speaks to Elijah and instructs him to go to Zarephath so that he would be fed by a widow. Elijah went as instructed, found the woman, and asked her to make him bread. The woman tells him she would love to, but the flour and oil she has can only make bread for herself and her son. The plan was for both of them to eat and wait for death because that was their last meal. Elijah asked to go ahead and make the meal for him, he told her that God said, “The flour and oil will not run out until God sends rain to the land”.

We see the following steps engaged in this story 

#1 . Elijah knew when his cup was empty: Recognize your need. 

      Even though anointed, Elijah was able to identify when the brook was dry. He did not sit there asking God to restore it, he did not ask God to send ravens like before, nor did he pretend that the book was not dry. In his recognition of his current circumstance, he sought God to know what’s next. He knew provision through this channel was over, and it was time to move from here. 

      In the Christian circle, faith has been miscommunicated to mean denying one’s circumstance, ignoring what’s not working in the hope that as you do so, God will somehow step in and fix the issue. Because of this, many believers lack the capacity to be honest and objective in dealing with challenges. Truth is, you must have the strength to recognize that your cup is empty if you ever desire it to be full. Ignoring your empty cup, while continuing in your spiritual activities will not lead to an overflow, even though those activities are important. The first step to enjoying overflow is having the courage to face the fact that even though anointed, your cup is empty. When you accept this, then you can open up your heart to learn how to trigger the flow of the anointing to bring about the overflow you desire. Elijah did not act like the brook was not dry, he faced the fact that it was and he needed to know how he would be sustained. This was the posture that opened him up to step number two. 

      #2. Get your Instruction.

        When Elijah saw the brook was dry, he knew that the season was over. Even though God was still His source, he understood that the channel of provision had changed. Elijah went to God and God’s response to his empty cup was an instruction. God did not change the circumstance, God gave an instruction that if obeyed would change the circumstance. 

        The next step after you recognize your cup is empty is to go to God for instruction. Hidden in the instruction you receive from God is your provision. This means it would be challenging or impossible to experience overflow from God if you have not learned to hear His voice. God changes our lives and circumstances by sending His word! This word would come as an instruction that must be believed and obeyed to bring provision.  Elijah could hear God, and tied to the voice of God was the provision he needed. 

        #3. Faith (Believe + Obedience): Take Action

          I want you to think about this for a second, if you were Elijah, and you go to this widow in Zarephath, and you find out this was her last meal, would you have the courage to eat the meal? How would a loving Father ask you to go and eat someone’s last meal? It just does not make sense. It might look very heartless to a logical mind. You should be giving to the widow, not taking from her. This is why it takes faith to obey God.

          When you receive your instruction from God, you will have to truly believe God to take that action of obedience.  You have to believe that God will keep His word. You have to believe that God will show up.  You have to believe that God will not leave you stranded. It can be difficult to obey in many cases because you may not see how obeying that instruction will bring the provision you desire. And at other times, the situation might make it challenging to obey. However, It is the foolishness of obedience to that instruction that triggers the flow of the anointing into your cup.  It is what causes your cup to be full and run over.

          Believing and having the courage to act, is the most difficult part of this equation. Many believe but have not dared to step out in obedience. If you believe as Elijah did, then you will eat the widow’s last meal even when your head screams you are heartless. If you believe then you will obey the instruction regardless of how foolish it sounds to your mind. Elijah’s obedience led to a continuous supply of provisions for the widow, her son, and himself. Your obedience will not just provide for you, but also for those God connects to you! 

          Is your cup empty, get God’s instruction, believe it & have the courage to obey it? Remember your obedience will not just meet your needs but will also be a channel for others as well.

          Love Always


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